Faith Direct

Donating to St. Stephen the Martyr has never been so easy now that we’ve partnered with Faith Direct, a secure electronic giving platform. You can make all of your contributions to St. Stephen the Martyr via automatic payment—a great way to simplify your giving!



With Faith Direct, you won’t have to write a check each Sunday morning or search around for your offertory envelopes. You can spend more time each Sunday focused on Mass. your prayers, and what God is speaking to your heart.


With Faith Direct, you’ll receive an annual statement that details your generosity, and simplifies your taxes. It makes tracking your giving a piece of cake.


Through Faith Direct, you can support our ministries even when you are out of town or unable to attend Mass. This gives us a better idea of the funds we’ll have coming in week after week, and allows us to more effectively plan our programs and services.

Cost Effective

Every parishioner signing up with Faith Direct means one less package of envelopes to print and mail out. That means savings for our parish (which we can use to expand our ministry) and less use of paper which eases our impact on the environment.


With Faith Direct, your information is protected, every transaction is secure and that your donations are automatically transferred to our church.

How Can You Get Started?

To take advantage of the convenience of electronic giving, simply click on the Faith Direct image at right! Have questions? Please see the Faith Direct list of Frequently Asked Questions or see the Video below.


COVID-19 Update