Please share your gifts and talents and become a part of our parish life. The following ministries and organizations always welcome extra helping hands.

Altar Servers

This is a great way for young people to serve our community. Participation is open to girls and boys, grade 5 through high school, who have received their first communion and participated in training. Fourth graders receive training following the end of the fourth grade school year with actual altar service to begin in the fall. Learn more about the celebration of the Eucharist by joining our team.

Contact:  Parish Office  / 540-687-6433

Baptism Class/Catechesis

Would you like to meet with new parents and share your experiences of raising your children Catholic? Help prepare new parents to celebrate their child’s baptism. The program is held the first two Wednesday evenings of each month. Help out several months a year or every month. Grandparents welcome.

Contact: Rev. Christopher D. Murphy – /  540-687-6433

Catechist/Religious Education Volunteers

Be a part of sharing our Catholic faith with the next generation by serving as a catechist or religious education volunteer. There are many opportunities to be involved with the catechetical program, both in and out of the classroom. Training is provided. Classes are held on Sunday morning at Middleburg Community Charter School.

Contact: Shareen Klos or 703-754-8444

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

At Saint Stephen the Martyr we need several EMHC each Sunday. In addition to serving at Mass, the Eucharistic Ministry takes Communion to parishioners who cannot gather with us due to sickness, injury or advanced age. Join this ministry to bring the love of Christ to your fellow parishioners.

Contact: Parish Office (540) 687-6433

Faith Inquiry and Journey

Inquiry and instruction classes are formed as needed to journey with adults interested in joining the Catholic Church. Many gifts are needed for this wonderful ministry: hospitality and set up, sponsors, catechists for adults and discussion group facilitators.

Contact: Rev. Christopher D. Murphy – / 540-687-6433


If you enjoy sacred scripture and public speaking, then consider sharing the Word of God. Lectors receive a short training session before being assigned proclaim the Liturgy of the Word at Mass.

Contact:  Kris / 540-687-6433

Money Counters

Money counting teams rotate weekly to organize the Sunday offerings and prepare the bank deposit. If you can balance a checkbook, this ministry is for you.

Contact:  Parish Office (540) 687-6433

Prayer Vine

Contact:  Parish Office (540) 687-6433

Religious Education/Youth Ministry

Give your children the right start. St. Stephen offers religious education classes using the Arlington Diocese curriculum and supplemental materials for children ages grades 1-12. Confirmation preparation encompasses both 7th and 8th grade. The program helps children know and understand more deeply Christ’s immense love for each of us. Through the program children will learn what it means to be a faith-filled Catholic Christian and how they can apply these values to their everyday live. Classes meet weekly during the school year. Catechist (teacher) training is on-going. Hall monitors and other helpers are also needed.

Please see the SSM Education page for Religious Education forms and additional information.

Contact:  703-754-8444
Shareen Klos (Director of Religious Education) –


Help make the Mass run smoothly by volunteering as an Usher. Ushers arrive 20 minutes before Mass and hand out the hymnals, help seat parishioners, pass the baskets for the collections and keep the attendance tally.

Contact:  Patrick Ameen 202/297-5692

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